The Leadership Lessons From Easter


Lesson 1: Pray first, and pray like you mean it
Lesson 2: Be a Servant Leader and not a Positional Leader
Lesson 3: Every team needs a leader
Lesson 4: The leader picks the team
Lesson 5: Big teams need a smaller team within the team
Lesson 6: Diversified teams are the best teams
Lesson 7: You can only provide an opportunity to succeed
Lesson 8: Train the called, don’t call the trained
Lesson 9: Under authority before in authority
Lesson 10: Persevere to the end
Lesson 11: It takes SACRIFICE to achieve VICTORY
Lesson 12: Always BE PREPARED
Lesson 13: After the Darkness comes Light.
Lesson 14: Pay the PRICE today and expect to receive the best tomorrow
Lesson 15: Have Faith and ALWAYS trust in the Lord

He Is Risen!


3 Responses to “The Leadership Lessons From Easter”

  1. 1 kurt bennett June 30, 2014 at 8:16 pm

    Farshad, you nailed it with this post. I’ve read a gazillion leadership books and blogs and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the process put together so succinctly. And best of all you related it to the greatest leader of all time, Jesus Christ. Nice work. I hope you keep writing.


  2. 3 Dennis Arnst April 4, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    This is a great piece – thanks for sharing it. As Kurt said “you nailed it with this post.” Also – keep writing and inspiring others – your gift is a great value add to people. dja


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