Archive for November, 2013

I Appreciate You!


William James, American psychologist and philosopher said: “The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated.”

Whatever we do for others, knowing that our efforts have been recognised and appreciated makes the work feel worthwhile. We feel valued. Our fundamental human needs for significance and contribution are being fulfilled. Cicero said that “gratitude is the mother of virtues”. Gratitude is also the sign of a noble soul. Gratitude draws out THE BEST in people.

Gratitude PAYS THE LARGEST DIVIDENS. To give appreciation is one of the best ways to become a servant leader. That’s where everything starts…

Appreciation is so rare but it’s definitely rewarding. I’ve come to the conclusion that around 10% of people have the gift of being grateful and 90% have no interest of even going there. They have no desire of showing their appreciation. This is a common weakness in human personality. Each part of who we are contributes to what makes us unique and valuable and no one should be made to feel invisible. A little bit of gratitude goes a long way.

Practice appreciation by starting with yourself. If you have difficulty openly appreciating others, it’s likely you also find it difficult to appreciate yourself. Take a few moments at the end of the day to ask yourself this simple question: “What can I rightly feel proud of today?” If you are committed to constant self-improvement, you can also ask yourself, “What could I do better tomorrow?” Both questions hold your value. Make yourself more valuable if you want to add value to others. You can’t give what you don’t have.

Who knows what impact your few words can have on another person’s spirit? Who knows what an impact your few words can have on your own! Why not share a link to this article on to those you’ve missed opportunities to encourage in the past with a note of appreciation declaring that you intend to do better in the future? It’s likely to be the best email they get all day! Keep in mind that it’s a universal law of life that what goes around, comes around. So when it comes to encouragement: Give generously.

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also yee are called in one body: and be yee thankful.” ~ Colossians 3:15

“Every man I meet is my superior in some way, In that, I learn of him.” ~Emerson
If that was true of Emerson, isn’t it likely to be a thousand times more true of you and me? Let’s cease thinking of our accomplishments, our wants. Let’s try to figure out the other person’s good points. Then forget flattery. Give honest, sincere appreciation. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise,” and people will cherish your words.

Here are different ways to say “THANK YOU”:

1. I appreciate you!

2. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude.

3. I highly appreciate your invaluable contribution.

4. I won’t be able to fully express my heartfelt acknowledgement for your contribution.

5. My appreciation is beyond expression.

And many more ways to show your gratitude and LOVE.

Remember, you can’t lead people without loving them. Show your appreciation and take your life to a whole new level, and with doing that you will take other people with you.

Thank you!


The Power Of “Staying Laser Focused”


While a lot of people say they’re focused, it’s not really true. They may say they really want to accomplish their goals, but their actions say otherwise. Edison once said, “You and I have eighteen hours a day in which we may do something. You spend that eighteen hours doing a number of different unrelated things. I spend it doing just one thing, and some of my work is bound to amount to something.”

If you like to be OUTSTANDING in ANY field, there is one important rule to observe: “Stay Laser Focused.” Get one thing in your heart, mind and bloodstream. Put side blinders on your eyes so you cannot see all the distractions along the way. Stay focused, put all the steam you’ve got right on the piston head and drive with FULL POWER down the main track. Keep your MIND on what you are DOING.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote an essay on this subject entitled “POWER”; “…Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short, in all management of human affairs. One of the high anecdotes of the world is the reply of Newton to the inquiry, “how he had been able to achieve his discoveries?” — “By always intending my mind.”
“….Stick to one business, young man. Stick to your brewery, (he said this to young Buxton,) and you will be the great brewer of London. Be brewer, and banker, and merchant, and manufacturer, and you will soon be in the Gazette.”

A child may be perfectly content with his toy until he sees something that some other child has. The child usually wants everything he sees and drops one thing after another as new attractions are presented. We are very much like children. We want too many things and are not faithful to any one thing. The Bible says, “No man can serve two masters.”
“Keep your eye single” that means to keep just one thing in the FOCUS of your VISION. ” A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

As an entrepreneur I know very well that singleness of purpose and unwearied will give power greater than DYNAMITE. This is a PRINCIPLE to success, I didn’t invent it…and I can’t do anything about it, ITS A LAW! Let’s look at Matthew 6:21: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” THIS IS A LAW. If we are going to succeed, we’d better have our hearts and our investments and our efforts and our attention in our BUSINESS! It’s amazing how Many capable entrepreneurs fail just because they “scatter their shot.”

This is so important guys, there are many people who are continually stumbling over a number of little diversions and spoiling their chances to succeed. They are always starting and stopping, always on the detours or sidelines, always trying to save few dollars with doing other things. A businessman should think like a businessman. An entrepreneur should think and act like an entrepreneur. A leader should think and lead like a leader. You should not lose this magnificent opportunity by turning off the fire of your enthusiasm and getting distracted by doing minor things. Stay Laser Focused and increase your EFFECTIVENESS and your influence.

Unknown Painter once said; “if a man has failed, you will find he has dreamed instead of working. There is no way to success in our art, but to take off your coat, grind paint, and work like a digger on the railroad, all day and every day.”

Stay Focused!
